Our Goal
Our Program
For us, Evangelism is an obedience to the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ, written in Matthew 28:18-20, known as the Great Commission.
To reach more and diverse audiences, Alarm Ministries has developed its choir with advanced music loved by everyone,that music is attractive to anyone and especially young people.
Due to multiple economic, social and security challenges, we understood the quote from the poet Juvenal according to which "Mens sana in corpore sano», which in English gives "a healthy mind in a healthy body".
Economic justice is about money and making sure everyone has an equal share. Social justice is concerned with equal rights in general for people of all social dimensions.
Our Blog
Alarm Ministries' choir performs and puts people in the Gospel's mood and we succeed to gain new souls to Jesus Christ.
Alarm Ministries' choir performs and puts people in the Gospel's mood and we succeed to gain new souls to Jesus Christ.
Alarm Ministries' choir performs and puts people in the Gospel's mood and we succeed to gain new souls to Jesus Christ.
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