

Our Program

Evangelism and Church empowerement

For us, Evangelism is an obedience to the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ, written in Matthew 28:18-20, known as the Great Commission. It includes preaching the gospel of salvation, incorporating the disciples to the body, and teaching them to disciple others. To reach more and diverse audiences, we use the following channels:Image

  • Open air crusades
    We identify with local churches the area that needs most the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In collaboration with local government and church leaders, we plan and set a strategy to appeal the target audience and organize the crusade accordingly.
  • Church development
    Church Development refers to the process of growth from an outreach to a local church and from an established local church to an expanding church. We this through new church planting, increasing already planted church's membership, and/or extending its reach out capacity church by planting daughter churches through planned and sustained evangelistic and discipling activities. We cooperate with local churches during our evangelization programs to ultimately empower new converts. We organize follow-up, strengthening and spiritual development sessions with them.