

Our Program

Songs and Music

For us, Evangelism is an obedience to the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ, written in Matthew 28:18-20, known as the Great Commission. It includes preaching the gospel of salvation, incorporating the disciples to the body, and teaching them to disciple others. To reach more and diverse audiences, we use the following channels:Image

  • Evangelical Concerts:
    Evangelical concert: Knowing that music is attractive to anyone and especially young people, Alarm Ministries has developed its choir with advanced music loved by everyone. Through it we periodically organize concerts that gather thousands of people, during which Alarm Ministries' choir performs and puts people in the Gospel's mood and we succeed to gain new souls to Jesus Christ.
  • Praise and Worship Concerts
    : Praise and worship sessions are times loved by everyone and especially if they are led by a favorite musical band. With the aim of bringing together large gatherings of people of diverse backgrounds, ages, religions and even non-believers, we are organizing evangelical concert to create a platform.