

Our Program

Sustainable Development

On the basis of our mission and experience of more than twenty years in evangelism, especially in countries with multiple economic, social and security challenges, we understood the quote from the poet Juvenal according to which “Mens sana in corpore sano », which in English gives “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. After having noted how these challenges generate poverty which in turn constitutes not only the barrier to evangelization but also to well-being, we have thus developed the other evangelical pillar which is sustainable development, source of well-being and foundation of the expansion of the Kingdom of God. This is how we focus our actions on,We focus on:

  1. Youth Empowerment
    Our youth empowerment program has four components. It is aimed at young professionals, oriented and committed to self-reliance and participation. This program includes a strong mentorship and coaching framework to help in monitoring and talent or mission driven- graduation.
    • Skills development: Alarm ministries recruits young people and supports their short training in professions according to each person's choice to make them competent and competitive on the professional job market.
    • Youth on a mission:We support young talents through mentorship, coaching and fundraising. This program incubates and gives exposure to young people with talent to help them grow in a mission environment.
    • Job creation or liaison with employers:Alam Ministires provide start-up kits to trained youth and/or link them with employers and thus helps young people find employment to promote their self-reliance and participation.
    • Drug addicted youth rehabilitation and reintegration: Our drug addiction rehabilitation program support provides a free residential treatment program for youth age 14 to 20. In a friendly environment, youth and their caregivers work on the root causes of their addiction problems and learn how to live a healthy and positive life, free from drugs and other substances. The caregivers and support from other residents in similar situations are there to help addicted youth recover and regain their normal life. As part of rehabilitation, we give vocational training program for youth to prepare their social economic reintegration. Reintegration service helps youth to reconnect with family and society with dignity and skills to start working and be self-reliant.
  2. Human rights
    Alarm Ministries' Human Rights Program aims at a region full of freedom everyone can live all its human rights equally, to reach his/her full potential. The program stands to advance economic, social, and gender justice.
    • Gender justice: AGender Justice Action envisions a world where everyone can thrive regardless of their gender. Step by step, we’re creating that world by dismantling legal, structural and cultural barriers that contribute to gender inequity. We specialize in women empowerment, health and reproductive health and rights women participation and inclusion .
    • Socio and economic justice:We make sure local resources and routine work are transforms into opportunities or income generating activities for rural people and link them with markets. We specialize in market-oriented agriculture and livestock breeding and promote the creation of income-generating activities.
    • We focus on rural economic empowerment:Alam Ministires provide start-up kits to trained youth and/or link them with employers and thus helps young people find employment to promote their self-reliance and participation.
    • Climate and environmental justice:We use our experience and evangelical vocation to protect the environment by fighting deforestation and advocating for an environmentally friendly legal framework with the aim of promoting human well-being and flourishing. We focus on tree planting and advocacy.
  3. Peace building
    We aim at addressing the underlying causes of conflict, helping people to resolve their differences peacefully and lay the foundations to prevent future violence. We focus on community education campaigns, community dialogues and sport to promote social cohesion.